Strawberry Kaze
June 25, 2005
Yes.. another quiz
Mood:  lyrical
Now Playing: i want to cheese myself
Topic: whoopi doo!
Here's another splendiforous quiz for you people. Em's here too... it's a joint effort.
1. When and where did you last pee your pants? Did people laugh at you? Did you cheese yourself in the process? Answer may be substitued for my monthly paycheck.
2.The King of All Cosmos has recently misplaced his nose, where do you automatically look to find it?
a. the fridge
b. the quiz authors have it
c. you have it
d. On the Katamari
e. all of the above
f. the poor king!! What ever will he do? Shoot! Stupid Cow!
3. True or false: When your best friend Katrina's boyfriend's stepmom's uncle asked you to take out the trash, did you give him a dirty look?
4. A literary question now: Out of all the literary romantic couples on the planet from all books that have ever been written which two are the only two obviously in love. You cannot ask your friends, but you can ask your cat. If you dont have a cat, then... too bad for you.
5. Yeah! You tell them! Cat haters! Oh yeah.. umm.. math! What is the radius of the circlculamatic equation:
(x+3)™+(y-4)™= 45butdon'ttry and act smart and know the precalculus goody-two-shoes! it obviously involves badgers...
6. When great Uncle Monty came back from the dead last tuesday, what was his first request?
a. Dammit, who took off with my nose!?!
b. MMmm do you have any lemonade?
c. Great grandniece, where is the 38th parallel? I seem to have left my trousers in that area...
d. Can I borrow the car?
e. Where in the world is Carmen? You remember her... my 3rd wife... Carmen SanDiego... where did she go? Stupid tramp.
(note; You may ask your friends, but certainly not your cat as he or she will know the answer. If you are caught asking your cat you will be severly punished...)
7. Josephine aime aller sur des promenades. Treber genie?en eine gute Tasse Tee. Stephanie ritiene i sembr di Gregory piacevoli. Josephine est dans l'amour avec Greogry (la raboteuse pauvre) et Trevor (qui a plaisir ? ravishing des contes). Stephanie et Trevor datent.
Based on the context above, who enjoys foreign films? Oh yeah, and who is Stephanie in love with?
8. Also based on the above paragraph who is more likely to make you a plate of gratin and sit you down to watch a futbol game?
a. Gregory
b. Stephanie
c. Mr. Darcy
d. Mr. Turner
e. Elijah Bloom
f. the quiz authors
9. ?Felicitaciones! ?Usted ha ganado el superbowl! ?No es que divertido mis escaso-revestidos juego-demuestran el co-anfitrio'n?! ?S?, muchacha! ?Creo que estoy usando un sombrero divertido!
10. Ooo the last question!! Are you not overtly excited?!?!
a. Why as a matter of fact I am!
b. No... heck no!! I'm downright upset!!
c. Well, I would be except you two will surely make another as soon as I think its safe to get back online.
d. ...what was the question?
e. ??Creo que estas usando un sombrero divertido claro que si!!
f. the author of question 8 is a complete dunderhead, as g comes after f... not h, even though h was the correct answer.

Gruelingly produced by meronichigo at 12:52 AM EDT

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