Strawberry Kaze
August 28, 2005
hyuu hyuu hyuu hyuu
Mood:  celebratory
Topic: osu osu osu osu
Here i am. so the fill-in. on saturday i went to waldorf and got such excitements and went to em's house to celebrate that birthday of hers. gosh.. don't you just hate it when that happens.. *sigh* lol. no. happy birthday axy-chan.. (the cigar up top is for you. it's got a pound of weed in it). and then we got hairs cut and we now resemble stylish people. although no one can really tell anything happened to my hair (i knew i should have gotten layers) anywho! i don't care, but what freaks me out is that my brother who helps me with calculus strongly agreed with me when i told my mom you can't really angle long hair. i mean come on now. i suppose he also knows how to color coordinate for a trendy and stylish fall look.

moving on to our next topic. hurricane caroline. i mean katherine. i mean katrina, that's the one. or is it with a 'C'. no... it's a 'k' my brother just informed me.. anyways hurricane katrina is about to throw new orleans away. poor new orleanseans. poor rice. poor french people. hopefully they will invest in a good poncho. hopefully some excitement will happen here.

and there will be exciting times all over.

The end.

Gruelingly produced by meronichigo at 10:19 PM EDT
Updated: August 28, 2005 10:21 PM EDT
August 26, 2005
Mood:  a-ok
stupid happa-tai. stupid otakon. stupid PVs. getting me all obsessed.. waaahh i can't help it


oh dear.. well, if i haven't scared you away by now, that was a random excerpt from the song 'YATTA' which currently is stuck in my mind. otakon burned the fig leaf-briefed clad happa-tai into my mind.

and it's stuck there forever...

..G.. R... double E.. N... leaves... *_*,

but tomorrow is wonderful.. gahh!!

yes. lately i've been feeling blah so maybe i need this insanity. i haven't been inspired to do anything. and um.. i find it very encouraging.

and not much happens. just feel like bored. and unworthy. unworthy boredness. yes. i am unworthy of human contact because i am incapable of acting like a normal human. those of you who contain the courage to read this blog should know that by now. and i should probably stop naming people as it gets old... don't you think?

maybe. i may have to revise my strategies.. this could be a clue to those psychologists out there trying to unravel the mysteries of my brain.

why can't girls wear fig leaves?


Gruelingly produced by meronichigo at 9:32 PM EDT
August 23, 2005
First day back
Now Playing: I WiSH- Futari Boshi
Topic: and man is it weird
sooo school is interesting. i'll just go through it

1st period APlang- Okay. I think Ms. Bayne tried to scare us or something. meh.

2nd period Frenchll- Mrs. Clark wasn't there until later.. she's the only class that stresses the use of a binder. i lost the paper handed out -.-

3rd period APseminar-uhhgg.. don't know anyone. i currently sit with a senior caculus type of person.. time to read manga.

4th period APCalc- actually felt scared for my life. was afraid of not having class with anyone but david and nikki and mary are there. but they really don't know who i am so... and i have a quiz i really need to be studying for now... -.-

5th period studioart- perhaps the day will start getting better. all of my friends in this class like japanese!! SCORE!! haha ^_^; anyways it's great but mrs. rizzo still confuses me and i have no kk or rachel-heather-lindsay or lauren to fall back on.. -_-;

6th period APgovt- this class should prove to be amusing. emilia keeps a gun and a pound of weed in her locker... jeez, it's only the first day and she doesn't even have a locker.. so sneaky.

7th period lunch- i want lunch earlier. it would be nice. it's kind of akward to eat with people i don't really know either.. is this a sign i should be more social? whatever.. 45 minutes is too long T_T

8th period physics- this class looks fun. got it with tory so it should be exciting.. finally a nice class to end the day with ^_^

and on the bus ride home there are so many freshmen (i think maybe i'll call them frenchmen) they kind of adopted me because i look like them... they sat around me.. i think one was hitting on me 0_0 until i said i was a junior.. then they stopped talking. it's so funny =^_^=

So in conclusion.. oh wait i forgot nevermind. i'm a junior.. woo!

Gruelingly produced by meronichigo at 6:13 PM EDT
August 22, 2005
Mood:  not sure
Now Playing: Orange Range- Bleach
Topic: Yoshi~~~!!!
SO yoo~~!!

Well my past week!
Thursday (Mokuyoubi) - sat in line for 4 hours to get my pass
Friday (Kinyoubi) - woke up and went to otakon!
Saturday (Doyoubi)- woke up and went to otakon!
Sunday (Nichiyoubi) - woke up and went to otakon! and then came back home.

So i've come to realize iro iro many things!
A. I really need to know more jpop/jrock
B. I really really need to play Maple Story
C. I've come to learn the days of the week in japanese!

Oh.. i think my mom exploded

And i've noticed that my friends are different in interests.. although it wasn't that hard to figure out.

Like.. some like the japanese/celebrity aspect of otakon and others like the anime gaming insane aspect of otakon.

and everyone likes to buy stuff... except for me.. -_-;

And puffy ami yumi can look pissed when surrounded by a mob and you stand in the hallway doing awkward poses from live action sailor moon with your friends....


Well school starts tomorrow. Today i went to waldorf mall (i was good and finished my projects... i think) and bought some shirts. My blood type describes me perfectly (ignore this randomness).

Orange power

And i didn't get to sing ai no imi wo oshiete like i was hoping.

oh well.. maybe this year will be better

yoroshiku onegaishimasu~!!

Gruelingly produced by meronichigo at 8:38 PM EDT
August 16, 2005
Howdy there, folklore!
Now Playing: something?
So busy busy busy busy busy
I think i'll sit around some more..

Why do i only feel like doing stuff at night, when i sleep?

Why can't I type?

So tomorrow i'll be somewhere and then thursday i'll be the pass and getting ready for FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY of fun!! ^_^ and i don't have to work anymore! w00t! But then there's school.. and we all know how scary that is. So this is my break *`_ * gUtS!!!!!!! haha i don't know what that was...

anyways.. um exciting stuff happens unusually around the same time. someone called me back for a job, finally, however it's kind of late... -_-;

Oh well! because! um. because! i like cats! the end.

and now a word from our sponsors desu yo~!

Meron-squee chan: But what will I wear for Otakon?!? 0_0

Gruelingly produced by meronichigo at 1:05 PM EDT
Updated: August 16, 2005 1:08 PM EDT
August 10, 2005
Have you been good lately, Charles Hermenoiswalklaik?
Mood:  cool
Now Playing: ito tunes..
Hahaha! Tripod certainly does have it's share of bugs now doesn't it? It took forever to get that last post the way i wanted. And the bottom thing is supposed to be >///< but for some reason tripod reverts it to >///.. It's very strange. I cease to ask.


Once upon a time there was a girl. Her name was Kouyama Mitsuki and she dreamed of being a singer. She dreams every day and night. She slept for 100 minutes. Her pet cat called Takuto always slept with her. Truth is Takuto is a shinigami sent to take her soul with his partner Meroko in one years time. Takuto's partner, Meroko was never fond her. But this didn't make any difference. Takuto fell in love with Mitsuki and knew all of this time that Meroko's love for him was fake. Meroko was in love with someone else, so Takuto didn't pay her love no mind. Takuto liked someone else anyway. Mitsuki is the one whom Takuto cares for the most. Takuto would give his all to protect and care for Mitsuki. He would lay his life on the line for her every day. However, he had a problem that he couldn't tell anyone about. He had a terminal illness but he didn't want anybody to worry about him, which was why he kept his mouth shut about it. He though knew that one day he must tell his beloved about it all, because of one and only reason. That reason was kept secret, between him and her. But surely, one day, they would have to tell other people about it. When the birds sing, it will be their time. Birds are very unfortunate for that reason. And for that reason, they fell from the sky, dying from loss of being loved.

~Courtesy of the lovely forumers~

Gruelingly produced by meronichigo at 7:41 PM EDT
August 9, 2005
Mood:  happy
Now Playing: oh yes indeed, that
Topic: That?
EEE! Otakon is closer. But that's not what this is about..

Lately I've become even more obsessed with Tanemura Arina-sama with all of this forum surfing i do.

Including finding good pictures thanks to certain threads..

cosplayed as-->
drawn by V


Gruelingly produced by meronichigo at 3:07 PM EDT
Updated: August 10, 2005 7:36 PM EDT
August 7, 2005
Yes Captain!
Mood:  a-ok
Now Playing: Mirakurumi
Topic: random
HAHAHAHA!! There should be a quiz of what if's

If you could choose someone from history to be your personal assistant, who would it be?

The popular vote these days is Hitler. Yes.

~Don't eat my *ring* *ring* *ring* banana ear~

shimashou shimashou shimashoushimashoushimashoushimashou hajimete shimashou!

Last year there was this guy at otakon singing 'catch you catch me' card captor sakura.. it was amazing

he mumbled the parts other than the chorus but when the chorus came...


it was .. quite amusing though! ^_^

I'm just saying this because the song came on...

Gruelingly produced by meronichigo at 10:15 PM EDT
August 5, 2005
this is a title
oh how cruel of me to not update. how absolutely cruel.

Well.. i went to Dewey beach but they 'renewed' it. And so the sand is all rocky and splashy and dropping-off drowningy..

Bethany was nice though

and not much happens like it ever does. i recently used my common sense to determine that there is a site called '' which shall be used here on forth.

"Napoleon: Grandma just called... she said you can leave now. Uncle Rico: I didn't hear anything from her. Napoleon: She said you should leave because you're ruining everyone's life and eating all our steak. Uncle Rico: I'm not going anywhere. It's a free country. Napoleon: Get off my property! Uncle Rico: Why don't you go call the cops? Napoleon: Maybe I will, GOSH! "

Gruelingly produced by meronichigo at 5:45 PM EDT
Updated: August 5, 2005 5:48 PM EDT
July 30, 2005
I have a fake tatoo...
Mood:  cheeky
Topic: ...of a skateboard
Stop being cheeky. This one should look interesting. I've been able to file those ridiculus ridges off of my fingernails.. which means nothing to you.

Hahaha!! And then stuff is happening and making sense or is it?

I can't think of anything.. storytime!

Once upon a time there was a monster-girl. She scared people all the time. It was quite amusing.

But then one day she wasn't able to scare prince.. Heytrot because he wasn't scared of monsters. He was only scared of girls, but currently this girl was in the form of a chupacabra.. which can look quite frightening with their red-beady eyes.

So the monster girl asked the prince "hey dude.. whyZ you afraid o' me?" The price, upon hearing a chick's voice, took a sudden step back.. unaware that he was stepping into the interdimensional portal inside of a dead goat.

Immeadiately, he disappeared into a land filled with monsters. He was a little shaken, but he decided that this was a good opportunity to meet new people, and perhaps win the election for prime minister.

Therefore, prince Zachary lived happily ever after in a world where people do dances of the 70's all the time.

As for the monster chick, well she obviously transformed into the prince and took his postion as prime minister. Duh.

Gruelingly produced by meronichigo at 6:21 PM EDT

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