Strawberry Kaze
November 14, 2005
Egg drop soup
Now Playing: the Indigo - fantasista*girl [4:11] - animal yoko-cyou
Topic: eggplant
Monday again! Tra-la-la
Friday: Went driving place. Went to see Cyrano. Great times.
Saturday: Went to the mall place. Drove place more. Whacking sparrows twice three times.
Sunday: Of exhaustion the bow and arrow was. Public ownership spent had drawing time. Katamari is the game not what was there. Music was nice.

Haha. I didn't intend for that to be engrish until i kind of looked back at the first line. Whatever, my life is engrish. that zipper is pretty. So lately I feel like doing things. Great things.
Umm.. i just did something else so now i don't feel like expanding on this anymore. Goodbye.

Gruelingly produced by meronichigo at 8:02 PM EST

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