Strawberry Kaze
November 1, 2005
Now Playing: Sentimental- Midori no Hibi
NO•VEM•BER is already a much better month! ^_^ I got shojo beat today! Exciting! Candy! Exciting! Processes~ things to look forward to~! Exciting desu~!

So yesterday was decemberween. Even though Christmas is Decemberween I just got my December shojo beat, so thus decemberween. Besides, this is when stores sell christmas decor.

Wow! Just a few months ago it was summer!

I love saying that. It's so blatantly obvious that people know it and don't care and say 'duh!'

And I don't know. Seasonal depression. I might have it. Then again, I just remembered that I really am not very productive until it gets dark. That's when the magic begins *_*. Plus now it's easier to sleep because it's an hour back and i'm used to going to bed at around 11:00 anyway! Gaijin smash!

So decemberween. I was definetly Madame Flamboyance who wore a vibrant pink head-hair and many other flourescent colors! And i posed dramatically saying Gaijin Smash! not that dramatically.

And candy is good too. It puts me in good shoes, man.

So that's about it!


Gruelingly produced by meronichigo at 5:08 PM EST
October 28, 2005
We sing of cheerful norwegian housewives!
Mood:  crushed out
Topic: launch the HOBO!!
What exactly does crushed out mean? i just kind of want to see what the emoticon looks like. for variety.

ahhh... that word.. emo. such hilarity.

Anyways, so today was kind of boring. and interesting. but still boring.

our physics project rocked, although the water took i while to boil, and i burnt my hand while catching a hot plate (i told you those hot plates were no good!!) and i made a scene. --; Ummm... so now it's all wrapped up and my fingers feel pudgy.. tee hee.

And i don't know what i'm doing this weekend. i suppose i'll do homework, but i don't feel like i've successfully had fun unless i go somewhere. I'll blame it on the fact that i used to live close to everything. hahahaha!!

`my meniacal...meniah.. whatever laughing gets annoying after awhile.. could i stop?
-ohh... i'm sorry
`yeah.. well.. i don't really have a problem with it, it just kind of gets old

that was a weird burst of split personality
-ermm... hahahaha!! meniacal laughter blows everything off


and there you have it. tune in next week for another death defying tale of Sound of Muzac.

Gruelingly produced by meronichigo at 6:19 PM EDT
October 27, 2005
Those deer are in a fight.
Today was rather aggravating at first *shakes fist at day* but it began to get better.
i got ma markers baby sweet pie!

So i went and got killed, or shot by that flu place. and i went to wal-mart to get my costume, really confused however. I've decided on tokyo street fashion gone horribly wrong, however that's usually how i dress anyways. hopefully no one will noticec <.< >.>

And it sounds like fun to walk around in a corn maze!

So i'm online waiting to (help?) finish a physics project. hahaha! that's dedication, baby sweet pie!

... I'm in a really weird mood..

So i guess I'm not going to the musical theatre thing tonight. Squee can't have too much fun or else her mind will explode. I just need to do more things to balance it out with. I'm just very lazy.

And that's about it. 6:27. It can still be ramen time!!

(When driving home from wal-mart i saw these two fake deer standing tail to tail like they were angry with each other. Very amusing.)

Gruelingly produced by meronichigo at 6:29 PM EDT
Updated: October 27, 2005 6:31 PM EDT
October 26, 2005
The sky looks cool
And so I have a new lovely layout! Hooray!
But apparently tripod isn't working for me with all the ads, therefore i might move to geocities. Problem is, I already have a site i started there years ago that died and now it presents a problem and i can never start geocities anyway. (did mango forget?)
Therefore, the sky still looks cool. Today was reletively decent. Really cold. I'm about to go now but i have questions!!
- What should I dress up as for halloween?
- What should I carve into a pumpkin?

Ja ne!

Gruelingly produced by meronichigo at 6:11 PM EDT
October 24, 2005
Here we go
Topic: Here we go again
So here's yet another fascinating blog entry and since i still have to study for my physics test but am submitting (or quivering pansy-ing) to the whims of dearest cha-cha i will perform a quick and easy solution that may be found in one of those women's home magazines. Stolen from dearest ledos:
5 things people probably don't know about me!!
- When i was younger i wanted to take care of animals
- I quite like Korean food
- I try not to be dramatic although it could spice up my boring life
- Lately when people use fancy vocabulary it makes me spazz out and think that i should have read more and taken ballet and piano (and other things)before college...
- I'm really confused with myself and the kind of relations i should have with people, especially in high school.. (people are out there trying to confuse me/prove me wrong somehow)

Haha! i thought about that while eating a dinner of pot roast, rice, curry, and kimchee (which is korean food that you now know i enjoy)
Today was crappy monday, but tory's party was fun!! although yesterday would have been a nicer day.. and then we could jump on the trampoline and ride emus after all!! hahaha!! but no... today was a bad monday. Too much waking up early and going to buildings with no windows except in art. Well.. i'm in a pretty good mood now. I've managed to infest the population with gackt, although i don't particulary think he's all that great. just amusing to watch. like japanese editorials.

This was fun to do too, after school

"So who is this Jesus character?"... "So he's a zombie, then.."

Ahhh.. i wanna go to Japan so bad!!! Xl

Gruelingly produced by meronichigo at 7:33 PM EDT
October 10, 2005
almost.. whoops overshot
Mood:  spacey
Topic: sweet someteen?
hahaha!!! STRESS!! (by a flower by it)
and look.. here i am on my bloggy. the craziness.
anydangways, this day was very bad.
i definetly didn't get any sleep last night.
i definetly spent all of yesterday working on a take home test that i found out wasn't due until wednesday, while not doing the homework that was due today
i kind of died with all of the insanity while seeming like an easter bunny.
it's spirit week, for those of you who aren't aware.
all though i'll never becoming of the hoe-down. spelling?
you are going to destroy me
stupid p-sat is still on my birthday
birthdays like to be on even days
i'm not going to be the ugly one. but she's pretty hott.

haha. i have calc to study for. i should get on that right away


so i think i'll go place.

Gruelingly produced by meronichigo at 6:06 PM EDT
October 1, 2005
Don't adjust your sets
Mood:  down
Now Playing: yesss
Topic: i don't have a topic??
Man.. i've really started thinking lately.. i've decided that i'm a horrible person and am going to change my view on the world... *_*. i really don't think outside myself much.. mainly because myself is way to confusing to understand. i'm pretty sure i don't know anything actually. i just want not to care and have to worry about the way things work and the way people work. People are too different and i can't really judge them, but i want to have everything in the world to do with them. this is sounding really weird. but i feel kind of depressed for some reason. i don't have a reason to.
things cost too much
that's probably why. thinking costs too much. i'd like to spare my brain. mainly, i want to have a social life spontaneously invite people over, but because of circumstances it gets weird. so there. i've said it hahahaa!!
i can though, why am i making such a big deal?

i don't think i'm a very good friend of anyone. i guess.

guah.. since when did i get so dramatic. no more of this, brain, no more.

i just want to be a better person, so this is my goal from now on.

but i got a dress today!! ^_^ *smiles smiles*

"I've never been on a date with a 13 year old girl before."

Gruelingly produced by meronichigo at 8:38 PM EDT
September 27, 2005
Keep watching and there will be something exciting at the end!!
Mood:  quizzical
Now Playing: Cutie- Okui Masami
Topic: Pita-ten always said that
Someone just called for Kelsey. I'm not Kelsey. I'm not not Squee-meron. Hahahaha. FUKUI-SAN! SQUEEZE-ON!

Sadly Iron Chef is a mystery in itself.

So yesterday was a good day, i felt very smart, but i was really bored at home. And today i felt less smart but not as bored at home. I kind of decided that.

So i definetly cut my bangs too short. This always happens. I was all psyched about not cutting my bangs too short like i did last time by getting them wet but then i couldn't see when they were dry so i cut them too short. I was trying to make them angled but that didn't happen either.

I think the demon lord is listening to me!!!! jlsdsdemon godfjalsj!!

haha.. that didn't happen.

so i definetly just typed 'demo lord'. "Oh mighty lord of demos! Please give us another sweet example!!"

And then I definetly just typed 'might lord'. "Oh might lord! Please teach me how to be a manly man!!"

Haha.. the 'lord' is really rough on the previous word's last letter. And for an exciting bus time conversation, diary in spanish is 'diaria'. i'll let you figure it out.

Hey! you know that bug i typed about some time ago (my life is so exciting.. this is why no one reads my blog) Well, i had a dream last night that it ATTACKED me!! Or rather, it attatcked my hot dog. because it was night time and my mom grilled hot dogs, and she gave me one already in it's bun.. and so i went to eat it but the cicada came at it!! And so i tried my hardest to ward it off, but it wouldn't go away! and so i went to my front yard and my radio went off and i though 'someone could have very easily kidnapped/attacked me because i was distracted by that stupid bug. and i wouldn't have a hot dog ;(

Well that was your story for today. and now a word from our sponsors.

Leave your name as a comment and
1. I'll respond with something random about you.
2. I'll tell you what song/movie reminds me of you.
3. I'll pick a flavor of jello to wrestle with you in.
4. I'll say something that only makes sense to you and me.
5. I'll tell you my first/clearest memory of you.
6. I'll tell you what animal you remind me of.
7. I'll ask you something that I've always wondered about you.
8. If I do this for you, you must post this on your journal. You MUST.

Gruelingly produced by meronichigo at 5:10 PM EDT
September 24, 2005
My cat has something against prom fundraiser packages...
Mood:  on fire
Now Playing: Sakura Saku
Topic: not like i did it anyway
And now he sits on it.

There's a really weird bug outside.
it's those kinds that won't shut up at night because they keep chirping.
it's green.
i think it might be a cicada.

You see, i too can write poetry.
It's very simple.
you just press return after your sentences.
like this.

So! a rundown of the day:

1. I went to go draw a picture on a wall for art...
2. i had the premonition that it was gonna be the worst day of my life (don't know where that came from.. like a weird dream)
3. We sat around but the janitor never let us in so we walked around school and there were horses 0_0. that should happen more often.
4. lovely heather person took me to ren fest and umm.. we ren fested. unfortunately we didn't find kk until we had to leave due to technicla problems.. (gomen nasai!)
5. went to elaine's party which i'm not certain if i was invited to or not. whatever, it was all good. but the whole strobe light made me feel like i was in a dream. i hate that feeling.. this whole day felt like a dream.. my dreams are usually more exciting than my life. i don't know why i mention this when it's so obvious. but no one really looks forward to dreaming, i guess because you don't remember it. but when life sucks, that is when you look forward to the excitement of dreams, even if they don't mean anything.
6. There isn't really a 6.. i just kind of went on a tangent during five, so it didn't exactly end... but yeah. strobe lights do weird things to you... i felt like i could have just fallen asleep/collapsed standing up. i don't like that feeling, it makes one insecure.
(7) the only reason there's parenthesis is because i could have seen corpse bride. but i'm kind of out of it so maybe not. how does heather do it? meh... i'll see it someday.

I'm not hungry. this is so weird. fattening food makes you feel icky like that. because hunger feels good *_* not really. only when there's ramen...

and i still want to play an instrument.

Gruelingly produced by meronichigo at 11:21 PM EDT
September 23, 2005

Mood:  sad
Now Playing: The Brilliant Green: Baby London Star
Man, you know how those times in your life all kind of develop a certain connotation? and when you look back on it you kind of are surprised to think it was like that? it's very interesting.

Even so eveything is set on a hairline, so i can't really determine if anything actually changes. time to stop being philosophical... it'd be weird to read back on this and remember this mood, for instance.

i don't even think i'm really sad. i don't feel sad. by the way my circumstances are, i should be depressed, but i don't think so.

SO! here's the spigget! oh no.. i'm an idiot. i just put on hiiragi which is a sad sounding song by the really awesome group Do As Infinity who is splitting up. v.v things really are sad. And my math test had infinities on it. v.v which i probably did badly on. i can't spell infinity.

this is the kind of time when i want to draw.. but i can't even do that..

so everything is looking really pathetic. i don't think i like fridays anymore. i wish i could dream *_*. Where did that come from? Ahh... i want to retreat

....and another really sad song comes on.....

this is actually pretty funny and ironic.

am i bad for being happy when other people are sad? or is it that i feel worst when everyone is happy and i'm miserable. i'm really starting to question my morals.

this post is getting pretty long. is this a 'rant' post? i'm not really ranting....? i should answer things with more questions? sounds good
no wait! i was going to do something when i talk but i forgot what it was.

maybe i'll just be happy all of the time. cheerful. i think that's nice.

*happy song starts to play*

lalalalalalalalalala.. stupid naturally synchronized background music.

so what do you think? is there anything corporation of meron can you better? send it in with a questionaire found at your local grocery store today!

Gruelingly produced by meronichigo at 5:57 PM EDT

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