Strawberry Kaze
October 10, 2005
almost.. whoops overshot
Mood:  spacey
Topic: sweet someteen?
hahaha!!! STRESS!! (by a flower by it)
and look.. here i am on my bloggy. the craziness.
anydangways, this day was very bad.
i definetly didn't get any sleep last night.
i definetly spent all of yesterday working on a take home test that i found out wasn't due until wednesday, while not doing the homework that was due today
i kind of died with all of the insanity while seeming like an easter bunny.
it's spirit week, for those of you who aren't aware.
all though i'll never becoming of the hoe-down. spelling?
you are going to destroy me
stupid p-sat is still on my birthday
birthdays like to be on even days
i'm not going to be the ugly one. but she's pretty hott.

haha. i have calc to study for. i should get on that right away


so i think i'll go place.

Gruelingly produced by meronichigo at 6:06 PM EDT

October 10, 2005 - 7:01 PM EDT

Name: mango

the easter bunny is calling to me. i really think it will show up in my future. maybe i'll be an easter bunny for halloween. we always say happy easter when we go trick-or-treating anyways. but i don't know if i'll be going out this year. oh, the woes of life. whatever that's supposed to mean. have a nice holiday. do you have thursday off?

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