Strawberry Kaze
November 29, 2005
Peace~ Peace~
Mood:  mischievious
Now Playing: erm.. nothing actually
Topic: Ho~ Hora yukouze!
haha! still on morning musume fast-track
I thought I updated.. i guess not
Heheh.. i'm mischievious.. watch out everyone

erm.. yeah.
Thanksgivingu~ rounduppu~!

Suiyobi: Shillaxin' at home for the most part!
Mokuyoubi: Went to Thanksgiving at my Great Aunt's house! Good times and Foolish. My 27 year old cousin is really amusing <3
Kinyoubi: Lauren-the-Mango came over and drilled Morning Musume into my head. And it's been stuck there ever since...
Doyoubi: Went to a happy fun time of mural painting and.. matinage.
Nichiyoubi: HANA YORI DANGO!! I mean.. ermm.. *cough* Stayed at home bored and did homework.

And yesterday was the same.
And today was the same.

Life is too repetitious. There should be a dinosaur crashing into the school. Or something.

Well.. my hands are cold and i have to go do things now so i talk laters. baibai

Gruelingly produced by meronichigo at 9:16 PM EST
November 22, 2005
TEA TIME~~~!!!!!!
Now Playing: Ajisai Ai Ai Monogatari- Biyuuden
Haha.. i like this group. ! ! ! ! !

So i've been neglecting this for awhile haven't i?

I'm really a dull person, and don't do anything after school that is worthy of broadcasting. Unless eating mini-wheats is somehow enlightening (high fiber!)

Although I did go to the 'All my Sons' Interest meeting. I don't know.. It was kind of intimidating in there with all the incumbents--oh my.. my mother just put a clip-y thing in my hair-- what was i saying... oh yes.. -- the play incumbents (govt smash~!) and the 2-3 year theatre people.

So i kind of have my doubts, although production might be fun *shrugs*

erm.. oh yes! so today was crap for tests. yayfo being at home for a long long time. I might actually busy this break 0_0..

My head hurts.. from walking around outside in the cold.

defenistrate.. that's a great word that i definetly forgot about

So yes. Yayfo getting involved in school life and such haha (yeah right) yayfo sarcasm!

I think instead of 'guys' i will refer to manly types as 'blokes'.. british are getting to me...

Gruelingly produced by meronichigo at 6:15 PM EST
TEA TIME~~~!!!!!!
Now Playing: Ajisai Ai Ai Monogatari- Biyuuden
Haha.. i like this group. ! ! ! ! !

So i've been neglecting this for awhile haven't i?

I'm really a dull person, and don't do anything after school that is worthy of broadcasting. Unless eating mini-wheats is somehow enlightening (high fiber!)

Although I did go to the 'All my Sons' Interest meeting. I don't know.. It was kind of intimidating in there with all the incumbents--oh my.. my mother just put a clip-y thing in my hair-- what was i saying... oh yes.. -- the play incumbents (govt smash~!) and the 2-3 year theatre people.

So i kind of have my doubts, although production might be fun *shrugs*

erm.. oh yes! so today was crap for tests. yayfo being at home for a long long time. I might actually busy this break 0_0..

My head hurts.. from walking around outside in the cold.

defenistrate.. that's a great word that i definetly forgot about

So yes. Yayfo getting involved in school life and such haha (yeah right) yayfo sarcasm!

I think instead of 'guys' i will refer to manly types as 'blokes'.. british are getting to me...

Gruelingly produced by meronichigo at 6:15 PM EST
November 14, 2005
Egg drop soup
Now Playing: the Indigo - fantasista*girl [4:11] - animal yoko-cyou
Topic: eggplant
Monday again! Tra-la-la
Friday: Went driving place. Went to see Cyrano. Great times.
Saturday: Went to the mall place. Drove place more. Whacking sparrows twice three times.
Sunday: Of exhaustion the bow and arrow was. Public ownership spent had drawing time. Katamari is the game not what was there. Music was nice.

Haha. I didn't intend for that to be engrish until i kind of looked back at the first line. Whatever, my life is engrish. that zipper is pretty. So lately I feel like doing things. Great things.
Umm.. i just did something else so now i don't feel like expanding on this anymore. Goodbye.

Gruelingly produced by meronichigo at 8:02 PM EST
November 10, 2005

So, it's probably true that the better you do, the more people expect out of you. I should get more B's and then pull straight A's. Then I'll get some respect, man. Well, as DDR would say when I get a 'boo' on my last move "all's well that ends well"

In further news, my feet are cold. So, colloquial terminology is great fun. "Cheah" I've never heard that before. You learn something new everyday.

Umm.. i guess I'm going to the play this weekend. I'm tired and am going to have some fun now. Goobai!

Gruelingly produced by meronichigo at 8:01 PM EST
Updated: November 10, 2005 8:02 PM EST
November 8, 2005

Now Playing: On the Way ~Yakusoku no Basho e~- SweetS
And it is Tuesday. If only it could be Wednesday.

So in general things aren't too bad. I have teeth after all. I've been really grumpy for some reason. haha.

i'm just really surreal. *_* too surreal to type things into the blog without mentioning SHINSHI DOUMEI CROSS.

And it really is wonderful. Haine is so cool! XD

so there. maybe i should get more exercise.

Gruelingly produced by meronichigo at 4:39 PM EST
November 3, 2005
Well.. Well....
Okay, so if i say anything random that may scare you, totally disregard it.

That's over.

Here's a wonderful plan! i got my braces off and i want to draw something and find my two missing copic markers but i have to study calc.

Here's a guy i made. I really should base characters off of these people. Or someone should design clothing at least.

Nani o kite ikou kana?

Gruelingly produced by meronichigo at 7:09 PM EST
November 1, 2005
Now Playing: Sentimental- Midori no Hibi
NO•VEM•BER is already a much better month! ^_^ I got shojo beat today! Exciting! Candy! Exciting! Processes~ things to look forward to~! Exciting desu~!

So yesterday was decemberween. Even though Christmas is Decemberween I just got my December shojo beat, so thus decemberween. Besides, this is when stores sell christmas decor.

Wow! Just a few months ago it was summer!

I love saying that. It's so blatantly obvious that people know it and don't care and say 'duh!'

And I don't know. Seasonal depression. I might have it. Then again, I just remembered that I really am not very productive until it gets dark. That's when the magic begins *_*. Plus now it's easier to sleep because it's an hour back and i'm used to going to bed at around 11:00 anyway! Gaijin smash!

So decemberween. I was definetly Madame Flamboyance who wore a vibrant pink head-hair and many other flourescent colors! And i posed dramatically saying Gaijin Smash! not that dramatically.

And candy is good too. It puts me in good shoes, man.

So that's about it!


Gruelingly produced by meronichigo at 5:08 PM EST
October 28, 2005
We sing of cheerful norwegian housewives!
Mood:  crushed out
Topic: launch the HOBO!!
What exactly does crushed out mean? i just kind of want to see what the emoticon looks like. for variety.

ahhh... that word.. emo. such hilarity.

Anyways, so today was kind of boring. and interesting. but still boring.

our physics project rocked, although the water took i while to boil, and i burnt my hand while catching a hot plate (i told you those hot plates were no good!!) and i made a scene. --; Ummm... so now it's all wrapped up and my fingers feel pudgy.. tee hee.

And i don't know what i'm doing this weekend. i suppose i'll do homework, but i don't feel like i've successfully had fun unless i go somewhere. I'll blame it on the fact that i used to live close to everything. hahahaha!!

`my meniacal...meniah.. whatever laughing gets annoying after awhile.. could i stop?
-ohh... i'm sorry
`yeah.. well.. i don't really have a problem with it, it just kind of gets old

that was a weird burst of split personality
-ermm... hahahaha!! meniacal laughter blows everything off


and there you have it. tune in next week for another death defying tale of Sound of Muzac.

Gruelingly produced by meronichigo at 6:19 PM EDT
October 27, 2005
Those deer are in a fight.
Today was rather aggravating at first *shakes fist at day* but it began to get better.
i got ma markers baby sweet pie!

So i went and got killed, or shot by that flu place. and i went to wal-mart to get my costume, really confused however. I've decided on tokyo street fashion gone horribly wrong, however that's usually how i dress anyways. hopefully no one will noticec <.< >.>

And it sounds like fun to walk around in a corn maze!

So i'm online waiting to (help?) finish a physics project. hahaha! that's dedication, baby sweet pie!

... I'm in a really weird mood..

So i guess I'm not going to the musical theatre thing tonight. Squee can't have too much fun or else her mind will explode. I just need to do more things to balance it out with. I'm just very lazy.

And that's about it. 6:27. It can still be ramen time!!

(When driving home from wal-mart i saw these two fake deer standing tail to tail like they were angry with each other. Very amusing.)

Gruelingly produced by meronichigo at 6:29 PM EDT
Updated: October 27, 2005 6:31 PM EDT

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